Hi, all...

I've been trying to set up some CF/AJAX/CFC
functionality and when it wasn't working as expected,
re-coded to track variables through the functionality.

All the variables have been showing up fine in alerts

However, now at this point in the code:

<cfargument name = "images"             type = "string"   required = "yes"
<cfargument name = "listPosition"       type = "string"   required = "yes"
<cfset imagesList = arguments.images    />
<cfset imagesList = valueList(imagesList)       />
<cfset image      = listGetAt(imagesList, listPosition) />

I'm getting this error:

The ValueList() function has an invalid parameter: imagesList.
Parameter 1 of function ValueList which is now imagesList
must be pointing to a valid query name.

Can anyone tell from just this much code what my problem is?
Why "imagesList" isn't being accepted as a valid parameter or valid query?



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