What type of speed differences are you seeing? Milliseconds or seconds? Is
it consistently slower at creating any PDF, or is it only a particular PDF
that is slow? Is the more powerful server also handling a lot more
traffic/processing activity, outside of the PDF creation event? If you
remove all the images from the PDF, is there still a noticeable speed

-Mike Chabot

On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 4:48 AM, Edward Chanter <firew...@cc.uk.com> wrote:

> I'm having a bit of a weird issue with the creation of PDFs. The issue is
> quite simple, we have two servers and one is generating PDFs much faster
> than the other. The weird thing is that the server which is slow is our
> 64bit production server running CF 8.0.1 Enterprise and the faster server
> is
> the old 32bit CF 8.0.1 standard box. One would logically expect the big
> fast
> production server to process the PDF much faster. I'm using the exact same
> CFML page to generate the PDF including the same data, images, etc.
> The problem I'm having is trying to get to the bottom of what is causing
> the
> difference in speed. To that end does anyone know what might cause the
> service to take a long time to create the PDF? I'm seeing nothing in my
> logs
> and the performance monitor only tells me that the page is slow.
> Any ideas are most welcome because this one has me completely stumped.
> :)

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