Okay, I have a spreadsheet loaded up.

I am trying to create multiple copies of the spreadsheet on the server with 
different sets of values set in them.

So, I have an index based loop..0 to 9

First run through, seems to go okay (although the formulas won't update based 
on the new values, unless I manually edit the cell and press enter...haven't 
looked into that yet).

Second run through, blows up on the SpreadsheetSetCellValue command.  It is 
setting the same cell's value to a different value on each pass through (3 
cells total are getting changed on each pass).

Error is:
An exception occurred while calling the function setCellValue.  
The error occurred in E:\http\test\test.cfm: line 19
17 : --->
18 : 
19 :    <cfset SpreadsheetSetCellValue(ss,111,3,19)>
20 :    <cfset SpreadsheetSetCellValue(ss,222,3,20)>
21 :    <cfset SpreadsheetSetCellValue(ss,333,3,21)>

Is the spreadsheet variable "ss" getting de-referenced when I perform the write 
action on the cfspreadsheet (occurs on line 22, right before the </cfloop>)?

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