Have you tried making sure your code works in a development
environment with the DLL available locally?

-Mike Chabot

On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 2:21 PM, Andrey Baranov
<andrey.bara...@dmv.ny.gov> wrote:
> The main issue is that the dll is not being found. I am getting the error:
> "Class FMSMQ.MSMQWriter not found in the specified assembly list.
> The assembly that contains the class must be provided to the assembly 
> attribute."
> The IIS virtual directory is serving up content from the same root level 
> directory on the Network Storage.
> The page I'm calling, is trying to create the class object, and then call a 
> single method.
> <cfscript>
>    variables.assemblyPath = 
> "\\NETWORK_STORAGE_DRV\PRD\DMV\Assemblies\Feeds\FMSMQ.dll";
>    objVar = CreateObject(".NET", "FMSMQ.MSMQWriter", variables.assemblyPath);
>    rc = FMSMQ.Write(variables.INPUTXML);
>    //WriteOutput(rc);
> </cfscript>
> So, both IIS and Coldfusion are installed on the same server, but the actual 
> web content resides elsewhere. Coldfusion is running under a local account 
> that's synced to an account for the Network Storage, so it has access to the 
> pages it needs. As far as I can see, there should be no problem accessing 
> assembly, since it resides under the same share.

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