I put in a default session.user variable on the page indicated in the error
and it pointed me to an error in a CFC I had overlooked late yesterday..
I had typed <cfqueryparam name="foo"...
cfqueryparam doesn't have a name attribute. It should have been value="foo"
I changed that to value, restarted the service and I'm golden..

On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 8:36 AM, Greg Morphis <gmorp...@gmail.com> wrote:

> this morning I refreshed my local dev and although I haven't have problems
> in months.. this morning I get
> Element USER is undefined in a Java object of type class
> [Ljava.lang.String;.
> The line ColdFusion points to is:
> <cfif session.user.getid() neq 0 and session.user.getsec_id() neq 0>
> In the Application.cfc OnSessionStart I have:
> <cfset qUser = createObject("component",
> "com.mydev.sec_login.sec_login").init( ) />
> <cfparam name="session.user" default="#qUser#" type="struct" />
> This has worked for a long time and only now getting this error.. What
> gives?
> When the session is created it should have those default values by the
> initialization of the bean.

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