I'm trying to follow this page:


However the directory doesn't exist on our production server..
I copied it from our dev directory to prod..
The page mentions running a CF template:

<!--- set this to the location of your cfusion directory --->
<cfset cfusionHome="C:\CFusionMX7">
<!--- install sequelink --->
<cfexecute      name="#cfusionHome#\db\SequeLink Setup\Setup.exe"
arguments='!TargetDir="#cfusionHome#" !DoDNS=true'></cfexecute>
<cfregistry    action="set"    branch
="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Macromedia\Install Data\ColdFusion MX"
 entry="SqlLink"    type="String"
<cfcatch type="Any">
<font color="red">Error Occurred:</font>

Is there a way I can manually run the setup in a command line to get the
same results?

Double clicking on setup.exe yields an Install Shield that never goes away

Thanks in advance

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