There is most certainly variation when it comes to standards
conformance with regards to both time and browser. None the less,
there are fairly well understood subsets that are supported (and were
back then) that form a comfortable base for most development to start.
Hence why the website I wrote more than 15 years ago renders exactly
the same today in Chrome as it did in NCSA Mosaic.

That being said, I also wrote fancy Admin UIs years later using
customer HTC behaviors that were IE-only because that was the only way
to get the look/feel/behavior that those customers demanded at that
time. There was a clear understanding, however, that it would not be
future proof and that there would probably be substantial changes in
the future.

So, yeah, you really can write substantially future proof websites and
have them work just fine years and years down the line. That
limitations imposed by that, however, doesn't always meet the business
requirements, so it is a set of tradeoffs as usual.


On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 12:37 PM, Russ Michaels <> wrote:
> standards is of course a good thing, but not all browsers follow
> standards, they certainly did not several years ago in anyway shape or
> form, and that is really the time period we are talking about in this
> thread, not the present.
> It you write using standards now then the chances of your app being
> being future proof are pretty high as even Microsoft have bowed down,
> and these days you do not need to use browser specific features when
> you have JQuery.
> On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 8:34 PM, DURETTE, STEVEN J <> wrote:
>> HTML 4.01 is a standard, HTML 5 is an emerging standard.
>> What you don't want to do is code to IE6, IE7, IE8, FireFox, Chrome, unless 
>> you are directed that you have no choice.
>> If you code to the standard, then the browser *SHOULD* render it the right 
>> way. If it doesn't, now then it may after a fix is put out.
>> Steve

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