Ok I finally worked out all of the kinks FOR NOW.

Here is my link to the editor file (include on the page that I am using to edit 
the content) <script type="text/javascript" 

The CONFIG file that I added my customizations to is: 

Here is my config.js file:

Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license

/*CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config )
        // Define changes to default configuration here. For example:
        // config.language = 'fr';
        // config.uiColor = '#AADC6E';

    CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config )
       // Define changes to default configuration here. For example:
       // config.language = 'fr';
       // config.skin = 'office2003';
       //config.removePlugins =  
       config.removePlugins =  
       config.skin = 'office2003';
           config.FormatSource = false ;
           config.FormatOutput = false ;
           config.enterMode = 2;
       //config.toolbar = 'Basic';
           config.protectedSource.push( /<\?[\s\S]*?\?>/g ); 
        config.protectedSource.push( /<cfscript[\s\S]*?\/cfscript>/g ); 
        config.protectedSource.push( /<br[\s\S]*?\/>/g );   // BR Tags
        config.protectedSource.push( /<img[\s\S]*?\/>/g );   // IMG Tags
        config.protectedSource.push( /{exp:[\s\S]*?{\/exp:[^\}]+}/g );    // 
Expression Engine style server side code 
        config.protectedSource.push( /{.*?}/g);
        config.protectedSource.push( /<tex[\s\S]*?\/tex>/g);
        config.protectedSource.push( /<object[\s|\S]+?<\/object>/g); // 
Protects <OBJECT> tags 
        config.protectedSource.push( /<style[\s\S]*?\/style>/g); // Protects 
<STYLE> tags
        config.protectedSource.push( /<cfoutput[\s\S]*?\/cfoutput>/g); // 
Protects <CFOUTPUT> tags
        config.protectedSource.push( /<pre[\s\S]*?\/pre>/g);
        config.protectedSource.push( /<code[\s\S]*?\/code>/g);
        config.protectedSource.push( /<cfinclude[\s\S]*?\/cfinclude>/g);
        config.protectedSource.push( /<cfloop[\s\S]*?\/cfloop>/g);      
        config.protectedSource.push( /<cfset[\s\S]*?\/cfset/g);
config.protectedSource.push( /<cf[\s\S]*?>/gi ) ; // ColdFusion cf tags - OPEN.
config.protectedSource.push( /<\/cf[\s\S]*?>/gi ) ; // ColdFusion cf tags - 

        config.ProtectedTags = 'cfquery|cfif|cfoutput|cfloop' ;
       /*CKEDITOR.config.toolbar = [
    ] ;*/
        CKEDITOR.config.toolbar = [
    ] ;

        CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceReady', function( ev )
     ev.editor.dataProcessor.writer.setRules( 'cfoutput',
            indent : false,
            breakBeforeOpen : false,
            breakAfterOpen : false,
            breakBeforeClose : false,
            breakAfterClose : false
                  ev.editor.dataProcessor.writer.setRules( 'cfinvoke',
            indent : false,
            breakBeforeOpen : false,
            breakAfterOpen : false,
            breakBeforeClose : false,
            breakAfterClose : false
                  ev.editor.dataProcessor.writer.setRules( 'cfloop',
            indent : false,
            breakBeforeOpen : false,
            breakAfterOpen : false,
            breakBeforeClose : false,
            breakAfterClose : false
                   ev.editor.dataProcessor.writer.setRules( 'cfinclude',
            indent : false,
            breakBeforeOpen : false,
            breakAfterOpen : false,
            breakBeforeClose : false,
            breakAfterClose : false
                   ev.editor.dataProcessor.writer.setRules( 'p',
            indent : false,
            breakBeforeOpen : false,
            breakAfterOpen : false,
            breakBeforeClose : false,
            breakAfterClose : false
                 /*// Output self closing tags the HTML4 and HTML5 way
ev.editor.dataProcessor.writer.selfClosingEnd = '>';*/


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