As far as I know the DMOZ stuff is RDF not XML  ???


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Martin Orth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2001 4:42 PM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: coldfusion & xml guru wanted for a small job
>I am searching for a coldfusion & xml guru for a small job.
>1. Import a xml directory structue like the one from yahoo
>to a database.
>2. Import the directory entrys into a database.
>3. Write a short documentation, so that it is possible to import all the
>data again.
>Please first take a short look at It is a link
>directory like or All the categories and the
>links with descriptions are from It is not the whole
>directory. Itīs only and so on.
>The problem is that all the data is in two verry big xml files. I want
>the data in two or maybe three database tables. The solution for me
>would be a kind of import tool writen in coldfusion and of course a dll
>or a cfx_customtag for deserialisation.
>I think I need two main tables: 1. categories 2. links
>The categories table should have the following columns: id, parent_id,
>categorie_name and alias_id. The links table should have the following
>columns: id, categorie_id, url, title, description.
>Please write me a short eMail if you can do this job and please write
>some words about the time and money you need to do this.
>Martin Orth - CFSOLUTIONS
>Oberblissenbach 30 - 51515 Kuerten
>Tel. 02207 700652 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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