You can wrap any user input in xmlformat() to rid yourself of any special
characters.  I would use that around the function that sends the stuff to
your security software.

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Quackenbush [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 3:46 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Santizing User Input

That VB script just uses a regular expression (already written for you).
All you need to do is use it in conjunction with ColdFusion's built-in
`reFind()` or `reFindNoCase()` functions.

So, something like so:

if ( reFind( "^[\w\.:\?&=/]*$" , myString ) ) {
    // oops, they failed... handle appropriately }


On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 3:33 PM, douglas cohn <> wrote:

> I recently received a notice that my PCI security scan failed.
> One further review it seems we have a PDF that we use to show some of 
> our products and the PDF was created from a POWERPOINT Presentation.
> It appears there is a single HTM page that caused the alert.  The 
> company stated the following (see below).  What I am looking for is a 
> way to control user input within CF.  I found an MS page that has a VB 
> script but would prefer something in CF.
> From the Security Company
> You will need to make sure all user input is being sanitized of all 
> special characters. This may not be bringing up the alert, but because 
> the special characters are not sanitized, it leaves open the 
> possibility that a malicious attacker could get their scripts to execute.
> Thanks so much for any assistance
> Doug

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