Have you tried:

<cfheader statuscode="307" statustext="Temporary Redirect ">
<cfheader name="Location" value="/mobile/index.cfm">


-----Original Message-----
From: Joshua Rowe [mailto:jos...@nvisionweb.com] 
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2012 10:57 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Session info lost on BlackBerry

This is a ColdFusion/mobile question.  I have a simple web app with a login 
page.  User types their login info, session info is assigned, and they're taken 
to a projects page.  This works fine, but when I try to setup an auto-login 
(user clicks a bookmark on their home screen that passes a username and 
password), the same process should occur, but the session info is lost once 
they are taken to the projects page.  This occurs on the BlackBerry 9370 (w/ 
touch screen.  not sure of the model type), but works fine when testing it in a 
browser and the BlackBerry simulator.   Here's some code for the auto login:

<cfquery name="qryAccount">
        EXEC m_AccountLogin
                        @Username = <cfqueryparam value="#LCase(url.u)#" 
                        @Password = <cfqueryparam value="#LCase(url.p)#" 
cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">; </cfquery>

<cfif qryAccount.recordcount>
        <cflock name="lockAccount" type="exclusive" timeout="10">
                <cfset session.account = {
                                isLoggedIn = true,
                                MemberID   = qryAccount.iMemberID,
                                Role       = qryAccount.iRole }>
        <cflocation url="/mobile/home/projects.cfm" addtoken="true"> <cfelse>
        <cflocation url="/mobile/index.cfm" addtoken="true"> </cfif>

I read that using <cflocation> right after assigning session vars may cause an 
issue, so I tried a JavaScript re-direct and still came up short.  Any ideas?  
Thanks in advance. 

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