Hello group,

I am working with an SEO person on making some refinements to our sites.  We 
get over 1.5 million pages views/mo.  My SEO guy noticed that there were 
several valid ways to access a detail or results listing page through similar 
combinations of the URL.  Some had upper case instances, some were all lower 
case, and others had a trailing bit on the end to make it look like a static 
page.  This created up to 4 combinations of URL that all displayed the exact 
same set of data, not to mention the fact of the "www" vs. non "www" issue.  I 
implemented a canonical redirect to make sure all pages went to the properly 
formatted (all lower case with static page append at the end) URL using a 
permanently moved redirection header in CF.  This all seems to be working 
correctly, but I have noticed that the site performance is suffering, and some 
of the requests that should be redirected take longer than the should to 
actually redirect.  I am using FR to monitor the requests, and this is why I 
know that some of them seem to be taking to long.  In theory, they should only 
take a few milliseconds to redirect, unless I am missing something.  Each cf 
based redirect is followed by a cfexit tag, so the request should end right 
there with the message to the browser.

All of the redirect logic is in a single page.  I have included a sample code 
snippet below.

<cfif Session.EmploymentPartner.ID LT 1 and (LCase(LEFT(CGI.SERVER_NAME, 3)) 
LCase(Left(CGI.SERVER_NAME, 3)) NEQ "dev")>
        <cfset thePage="#CGI.SCRIPT_NAME#">
        <cfif thePage CONTAINS "index.cfm">
                <cfset thePage=thePage & "#lcase(CGI.PATH_INFO)#">
        <cfheader statuscode="301" statustext="Moved permanently">
        <cfheader name="Location" 

Any ideas on how to better optimize this solution for global implementation, or 
whta may be causing the performance lag.

Brian Cain

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