What are the columns that are somewhat linked between these tables?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Todd Ashworth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2001 3:32 PM
Subject: OT: SQL Help

> Sorry about posting this to the wrong list, but I'm having trouble getting
> mail through to the SQL list.
> I am running a query to see if there is an entry in the database for an
> event that matches certain date criteria.  One of the criteria is that one
> of the dates that the event is scheduled on does not fall within a certain
> list of dates that are stored in the "exception_dates" table.
> All of the query works except for:  AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1
>                                                             FROM
> exception_dates ed
>                                                             WHERE
> ed.exception_dates = '#year#-#month#-#week_day# 00:00:00'))
> The way it should work is only return a record if there is no instance of
> the current year-month-day matching anything in the exception_dates table.
> Here is the whole query:
>       (SELECT 1 FROM teacher_schedule ts
>        WHERE ts.contact_id = #Request.TempContactID#
>            AND '#year#-#month#-#week_day#' BETWEEN ts.start_date AND
> ts.end_date
>            AND (ts.start_time_1 <> ts.end_time_1 OR ts.start_time_2 <>
> ts.end_time_2)
>            AND (SELECT days
>                       FROM days_times dt
>                       WHERE dt.days_times_id = ts.start_time_1) =
> '#DayOfWeekAsString(week_day)#'
>                           AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1
>                                                             FROM
> exception_dates ed
>                                                             WHERE
> ed.exception_dates = '#year#-#month#-#week_day# 00:00:00'))
> What am I missing?
> Todd Ashworth
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