I think the table is farFU.  I know there's a CFC with that name so it
should have been scaffolded or whatever by default.

Each object can have multiple friendly URLs (see the SEO tab for pretty
much anything in the Site tab in the admin).

It's been a while since I messed with this stuff.  There used to be a
fu.cfc but I don't think that's there anymore and go.cfm might be
deprecated as well.

In looking at the documentation, it looks like as of version 5, it uses
furl instead of path in the URL which looks to be parsed in the core
Application.cfc around line 581 for me which makes use of the parseURL
method in farFU.cfc.

Hope that helps.


On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 12:41 PM, fun and learning

> Jake, Thanks for answering. I already posted in the facry google groups 4
> hours back, and the moderators still did not approve my question, so
> thought I'd take a chance here
> I already set the apache mod_Rewrite conditions. My question was more when
> the objectid is parsed to friendly URL. The friendly url converts the
> objectid into its respective marketing name. I want to check the query it
> is using to get the marketing name. I am guessing a query like below:
> select * from table1 where objectid = '#URL.objectid#'
> >Check out the farcry developers group:
> >http://groups.google.com/group/farcry-dev?pli=1
> >
> >The URL's are parsed to friendly when the page/nav is created.  In the
> >admin there's a way to reprocess all friendly URLs but the exact location
> >depends on your version of farcry.
> >
> >You have to be running either apache's re-write mod or ISAPI Rewrite for
> >IIS to get this to work.  Everything friendly should filter through the
> >go.cfm file in your root.  Look in farcry's wiki, there are rules for how
> >to set up the parsing of friendly urls for apache and ISAPI.
> >
> >Hope that gets you going in the right direction.
> >
> >-Jake
> >
> >On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 12:30 PM, fun and learning
> ><funandlrnn...@gmail.com>wrote:
> >
> >>

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