Looks like WSP just released a beta with 2012 support, may want to check
into upgrading.

Byron Mann
Lead Engineer and Architect
On May 15, 2012 10:44 AM, "Peter Donahue" <pdonah...@satx.rr.com> wrote:

> Good morning everyone,
>    Last week I had my VPS provider upgrade Microsoft SQL 2008 to Microsoft
> SQL Server 2012 Web Edition. I'm using Web Site Panel to manage the server
> and hosted Web sites. If we're to use a database to provide access to
> information for site visitors we need to create the database, the users,
> and
> to connect to the database via OBDC. After some tinkering around by myself
> and some research by the VPS provider we discovered that the current
> version
> of Web Site Panel does not yet support MSSQLS2012. The Web Edition of
> MSSQL2012 is installed on the VPS. Since I would appreciate being able to
> use the server applications I'm paying for I wanted to find out if anyone
> else up here that uses Web Site Panel has upgraded to MSSQLS2012 and delta
> with the issues of the incompatibility of this new version of SQL Server
> 2012. I'll be interested in hearing some possible work-arounds for
> interfacing a Web site with MSSQLS2012 Web Edition until full support for
> it
> is included in Web Site Panel.
>    We're also considering using MYSQL as an alternative until the issues
> with WSP and MSSQLS2012 are resolved.
>    Since our main need for an online database is for storing personal
> information we really wouldn't need WSP in the picture. I have Microsoft
> Server 2012 Express ready to install on our machines and believe I could
> connect to the online database via SQL Management Studio. Since I have SQL
> Express for the local machine and want to connect to a full version of
> are there compatibility issues with doing this other than not having
> particular database functionality available something one can get around
> with ColdFusion? And since mention has been made of CF10 being released
> does
> it include a way to connect to a database without the need for an
> application like Web Site Panel? I figured it couldn't hurt to ask.
>    Presently I'm having to connect to the VPS via Web Interfaces due to not
> having the remote desktop license for my screen reader something I plan to
> remedy later this year. Since MSSQL2012 Web is on the VPS is there a way to
> connect to it via a Web URL?
>    Sorry if this is somewhat OT for this list. If someone can assist me
> with these issues or refer me to the proper list for help I'll appreciate
> that very much. All the best.
> Peter Donahue
>  “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper.”
> Isaiah 54:17
>  “While for our princes they prepare
> In caverns deep a burning snare,
> He shot from heaven a piercing ray,
> And the dark treachery brought to day.”
> Anonymo

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