So you want the XXX in the following?
<td width=60%>Total Impressions</td>
<td width=5%>XXX</td>
<td width=35%>Impressions</td>

What you want is
<td width=5%>(.*?)</td>

(.*?) = capture any character, zero or more times, but only as many as
needed until the next part of the expression.
This will capture everything until a closing </td>. I did it this way
just in case there is a value in it with brackets. If its only going
to be numbers then ([0-9]+) will work.

If this is not exactly what your looking for, please give some more
details and I'll craft something better.

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 4:10 PM, Roger Anthony <> wrote:
> I'm trying to pull total impressions from the administration screens on a 
> Xerox printer but for the life of me can't seem to get the regex right. I'm 
> thinking the Less Than and Greater Than signs are what's tripping me up, but 
> as frustrated as I am at the moment I can't tell you for sure.
> So, without further ado.. how the heck would you parse the filecontent to 
> look for the variable value that is "113067" below?  Thanks in advance!
> <td width=60%>Total Impressions</td>
> <td width=5%>113067</td>
> <td width=35%>Impressions</td>

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