Believe, it was specifically jsp code that was at risk.

IMHO and based off of experience, all lower case in the URI is the way to go.

Fully realizing this is a matter of personal preferance, but It just
makes all your linking and such easier and more consistent when it
comes to things like SEO.

Byron Mann
Lead Engineer & Architect

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 1:52 PM, Nathan Strutz <> wrote:
> I looked it up a few weeks ago, and, in short, that's not really possible.
> Tomcat 5 and 6 allowed it, but with the caveat that it breaks a lot of
> things and can exposes source code on Windows. Tomcat 7 deprecated the
> feature altogether.
> Sorry I wish it weren't true, but it is. I ran into it when trying to visit
> /cfide/administrator/, which is a 404 on CF10 because it's supposed to be
> /CFIDE/administrator/. Totally aggravating, but that's the price for a
> better server.
> nathan strutz
> [] [] []

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