We'll probably have to have a separate site because there's just too
much to hide. I appreciate the links and comments Che and Paul!

On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 9:52 AM, Paul Vernon
<paul.ver...@web-architect.co.uk> wrote:
>> What's the best way to handle making a website mobile friendly?
> Well that's a loaded question and the answer is, it depends...
> Technically, you can simply provide a CSS style sheet for "handheld" devices
> which can re-format the layout of the site and turn off elements of the page
> that aren't particularly suited to mobile devices or alternatively you can
> create a standalone site.
> Either way, this will depend entirely on your requirements and I've done
> both in the past.
> As examples, my own hobby site simply uses a "handheld" style sheet to
> deliver a slightly different layout for the site to make it a bit more
> flexible for mobiles. http://www.retro-kit.co.uk/. This approach retains
> most if not all of the main sites content and functionality.
> One of our clients sites however uses a fully optimised for mobile
> "mini-site" that driven from the same CMS and is automatically redirected to
> if the visitors user agent matches those defined as being "handheld". The
> sites are served on two different sub-domains being
> http://www.krispykremejobs.co.uk/ and http://m.krispykremejobs.co.uk/ the
> latter of which is redirected to when the former is visited by a mobile. The
> mobile version of the site uses a much reduced set of features but enables
> the core functions to remain and has been quite successful in its approach.
> The two sites Krispy Kreme sites use a simple cookie to remember the users
> choice if they end up on the mobile site but would prefer to be on the full
> site by clicking on the "View full site" link in the footer. Likewise in the
> footer of the main site, the mobile link sets the same cookie to indicate
> the preference for the mobile domain. If no cookie exists the user is
> directed using the rule set as indicated above. This allows users with
> advanced smart phones capable of accessing the full site but usually
> identified as "handheld" to choose to receive the full site or vice-versa.
> Paul

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