You can reference that as cgi.http_x_forwarded_for -- and it will come back
blank if not there, and with a list of IPs otherwise.

So I supposed you could do something in your onrequest that if it exists
replaces cgi.remote_addr -- but that's not going to help you if it returns
multiple IPs. (We usually see 2 IPs in the list).

Also note: the IPs returned could well be another proxy. It is still not a
definitive end-point resolver.


On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 5:11 PM, Matthew Gersting <>wrote:

> [snip]
> We're running our CF servers (using JRun and Apache) behind a load
> balancer, and as such the IP address that comes through the apps in
> CGI.REMOTE_ADDR is always the IP of the load balancer.  Now, I'm familiar
> that the standard procedure for this seems to be having the proxy (or, in
> this case load balancer) add a header - X-FORWARDED-FOR. We've accomplished
> that.
> The question then is how to reliably use this value in both the scenario
> when it's defined (coming from the LB) and when it's not (when, say, I'm
> hitting a box directly via IP). In other threads on CF-Talk I've seen this
> come up and one solution was the same I came up with (basically an if
> IsDefined etc). That's all well and good, but my question is this:

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