> I have a line of Oracle pl/sql (9i) where I'm trying to add cfqueryparam in 
> CF7.
> I have:
> #iif(len(trim(arguments.inStruct.a_person_id))eq 
> 0,DE("NULL"),DE("#arguments.inStruct.a_person_id#"))#,
> a coworker suggested:
> <cfqueryparam value = "#arguments.inStruct.a_person_id#" CFSQLType = 
> "CF_SQL_NUMERIC" null="#IIF(len(arguments.inStruct.a_person_id),0,1)#">
> But in reviewing it, I cannot tell if that is correct or not.  I've gone over 
> the sql several times.  Also, I don't know DE().

The DE function is kind of confusing, as it's only used within string
evaluation to ... delay that evaluation. So, in your starting case, DE
prevents its string argument from being evaluated as code. (You want
the literal value of arguments.inStruct.a_person_id, not to treat that
value as a CF expression from which you'd later get a literal value.)

Your coworker's suggestion may well be correct, but it can be
simplified. You don't need IIF in this case:

<cfqueryparam ... null="#not len(arguments.inStruct.a_person_id)#">

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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