I agree. :)

I am installing with: ColdFusion_9_WWEJ_win64.exe from the link here:

I have tried deinstalling and reinstalling CF9.02 a few times.

I have also tried reloading the OS and starting from scratch a few times.
 No luck.

I guess my next try will be to load from the 9.0 disc and do the updates.
 That's a pain but at least might get this damn server running.

This really should not be this hard.  Every other time I have done this it
has gone fine.  It's something about this particular build.


On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 12:41 AM, Andrew Scott <andr...@andyscott.id.au>wrote:

> Yeah something does seem to have gone wrong.
> And I have no real solutions to that problem, I can only guess at things to
> try like you are doing. But some of the things to double check, are you
> sure
> it is x64bit ColdFusion, I doubt that the 32bit would have problems
> installing though. Install as an Administrator, this is something that
> Adobe
> don't make it clear enough, but they will tell you it should be.
> Failing those two, could it be that the machine just needs a reboot before
> configuration of the connectors?
> Failing that I am not sure what else to suggest, but the description you
> give seems to be more of a problem with things not being setup correctly in
> IIS.. You could uninstall ColdFusion and then manually double check that
> all
> has been removed for CF, then try reinstalling CF and see if that fixes
> things.
> But failing that I know ColdFusion 9, had problems with running on IIS7.5,
> and the solution was to install it then install 9.01, and then configure
> ColdFusion. My thinking is maybe the installer is the 9.0 installer that
> has
> issues with IIS7.5?
> --
> Regards,
> Andrew Scott
> WebSite: http://www.andyscott.id.au/
> Google+: http://plus.google.com/113032480415921517411
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Rhodes [mailto:rrhode...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, 3 September 2012 2:33 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: r2 server (web edition(Can;t get CF installed on windows
> Each time I have tried running the config tool after installation, it has
> shown that the server was already configured.  I have tried to remove and
> reinstall the web configuration,  and still get the same errors.  It's
> almost as if the 64bit windows 9.0.2 installer just has a problem.  (but I
> am still betting that I screwed something up).

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