On 9/26/2012 9:14 PM, Richard Colman wrote:

> I am doing some first-time international monetary stuff, and having some
> trouble figuring out how to process the numbers in CF.

do you know the locale associated w/each currency value? where is the data 
coming from? and these are formatted strings?

if you know the locale & these are formatted strings, try the LSparseCurrency 
method (though i'm not exactly sure what you're after). at a minimum you should 
get back something in a standardized format (en_US) that you should be able to 
more easily manipulate.

> The problem is that decimal points and thousands separators can come in
> two flavors:
> US: xxx,xxx.yy
> - or -
> Europe, SA: xxx.xxx,yy

europe? no such locale. i think you'll find european locales will have a larger 
variety of currency/numeric formats than you think (eg, fr_FR is 123 456,00 
fr_CH is SFr. 123'456.00). SA? is that south africa? or is that south america? 
again, no such locale.

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