I'd not make them wait. If you have a long running process like this, fire
off an asynchronous request and have it run out of process, tell the user
you'll notify them when it's done, and then have that process send them a
notification (perhaps email) with any follow-up.

--- Ben

-----Original Message-----
From: Ethan Webb [mailto:eweb...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 10:57 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Problem with CFX_Zip and page loading

I'm currently trying to diagnose a problem for a client and I'm running
across the following issue. 

Client creates a large report then exports it to CSV. The CSV file is
created and then the CFX_Zip tag comes in and zips it up. 

When the user clicks to export the report to CSV a popup comes up that says
'Please wait this will take a few minutes...' once the file is zipped the
page should then advance to another page where the user can download the
zipped file.

This works for small reports just fine however the code after the CFX_Zip
tag isn't being called if its a large report. Any ideas why, or how I can
ensure the user can advance to the next page after the file is zipped?

Here is code of how its set up:
<!--- Zip up the file so it does not take a long time to download. --->

<!--- Remove the unzipped file as it is no longer needed. The zip file is
removed via a schedule task after a few hours. ---> <cffile action="DELETE"

<!--- To the next page :) If you didn't figure it out, the page is submitted
by the body onload function that submits the form. ---> <form method="post"
name="ExportForm" action="dsp_export.cfm">
        <cfset variables.tmpfilename = left(FileName,LEN(filename)-4) &
    <input type="Hidden" name="FileName"

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