How about lots of cftrace tags? <cftrace> gets no love. Or even something
that abstracts your tracing, like a CFC that, depending on your logging
level, will make cftraces, log to a file or a database, and ignore certain
things based on severity.

CFTrace is great. It lets you output to the debugging area if you have that
turned on, or straight to the page, and it writes to a log file as well.
And as soon as you turn off page debugging, the traces don't fire anymore,
so it's safe for production.

nathan strutz
[] [] []

On Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 12:31 PM, Dakota Burns <>wrote:

> Hi -
> I've taken over review of quite a large CF project built on CF8. Lots of
> pages and tons of code. Aside from CFDump, what is the best recommended
> tool to trace through the pages to learn what's succeeding and failing?
> I've been writing my own CF Web Apps for a number of years and realize
> things change and at times other CF'rs code looks quite foreign :-/
> Thanks.
> Dakota

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