removing the cfqueryparam
<cfqueryparam value="#arguments.payment.getamount_paid()#"
CFSQLType="cf_sql_decimal" null="#not
len(arguments.payment.getamount_paid())#" />,
just having #arguments.payment.getamount_paid()#
causes it to work fine.. 35.52 is saved as 35.52 in the database.

Any ideas as to why this happens? I'm using CF9.0.1

On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 11:11 AM, Greg Morphis <> wrote:

> I tried decimal(19,2) and back to smallmoney and still 36.00 gets inserted
> into the database table. And changed the type in the cfc to cf_sql_decimal.
> On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 10:56 AM, Greg Morphis <> wrote:
>> Something is baffling me.. I'm inserting a value into the database and
>> it's rounding the number. I don't know where or why this is happening!
>> On the action page this is what the code looks like when inserting....
>>                              INSERT INTO mytable
>>                                      (
>>                                      af_id,
>>                                      amount_paid,
>>                                      is_cleared,
>>                                      payment_method_id,
>>                                      action_date,
>>                                      year_paid_for,
>>                                      notes,
>>                                      actionuser
>>                                      )
>>                              VALUES
>>                                      (
>>                                      ?,
>>                                      ?,
>>                                      ?,
>>                                      ?,
>>                                      ?,
>>                                      ?,
>>                                      ?,
>>                                      ?
>>                                      )
>> Query Parameter Value(s) -
>> Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 194
>> *Parameter #2(cf_sql_numeric) = 35.52*
>> Parameter #3(cf_sql_integer) = 1
>> Parameter #4(cf_sql_integer) = 1
>> Parameter #5(cf_sql_timestamp) = 2012-11-12 10:51:54.375
>> Parameter #6(cf_sql_integer) = 2012
>> Parameter #7(cf_sql_varchar) =
>> Parameter #8(cf_sql_numeric) = 12985
>> When I query the database I see 36.00
>> The table column use to be smallmoney, now it's numeric(19,2)..
>> Does anyone know why this might be happening? And more importantly, how
>> to fix it!?

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