What DB are you using?

On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 7:43 AM, Eric Bourland <e...@ebwebwork.com> wrote:

> Greetings. I need some advice again. I need to use CFSCHEDULE to schedule a
> task that does the following:
> * review all records in table 'membersTable', once per day
> * return records that are one year (365 days) old, then two years old, then
> three, and so on in increments of years
> * send a renewal reminder to the UserEmail associated with each found
> record
> But I am having trouble building the query to return records that are
> increments of one year old. How can I form this this query?
> The column "DateCreated" notes the date when a record was first created.
> <!--- query membersTable for records that are increments of one year old
> --->
>                 <cfquery name="getUser"
> datasource="#APPLICATION.dataSource#">
>                                 SELECT UserID, FirstName, LastName,
> UserEmail, DateCreated
>                                 FROM #REQUEST.membersTable#
>                                 WHERE DateCreated = (DateCreated +
> increments of one year)
>                 </cfquery>
> How should I form that WHERE clause? Thank you for any advice.
> Eric

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