I am having an issue with one of my ORM relationships and I am hoping somebody 
can point out what I am missing here.  I have the concept of a Client.  Each 
client has an Owner (account manager) which references a User record.  Now, a 
given user may be the owner of more than one client.

The database design here is set, so I can't change column names etc.  In the 
Client table, there is a column 'idOwner' which references the 'idUsers' column 
in the User table.

In my Client object, I have the following property definition:

property name="Owner" fieldtype="many-to-one" cfc="com.user.User" 
fkcolumn="idUsers" missingRowIgnored="true";

When I try to retrieve a Client record instance, the error is "invalid column 
name 'idUsers'".  How should this relationship be defined to map idOwner on the 
Client table to idUsers on the User table?


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