Think I ran into this before with relative paths without '/'

Try ./file.cfm

Byron Mann
Lead Engineer & Architect
On Dec 13, 2012 2:14 PM, <> wrote:

> Hi,
> One of my customers is having a very weird problem with an IFRAME in my
> site.
> Here is the code in file mondossier.cfm:
> <IFRAME SRC="monDossierEdit.cfm?type=#type#" WIDTH="950" HEIGHT="650"
>                      STYLE="position:relative;" NAME="admin"></IFRAME>
> type is blank
> With all browsers, including my own Explorer it works perfectly.
> This is the trace how it look in tje server log when the page works
> normaly:
> GET     575     6742    p=monDossier    200     /index.cfm
> GET     577     11549   type=   200     /monDossierEdit.cfm
> showing that index.cfm?p=momDossier was called, then the iFrame called
> correctly monDossierEdit.cfm?type=
> But in my client's case, here is what we get:
> GET     543     7380    p=monDossier    200     /index.cfm
> GET     543     37336   -       200     /
> showing that the iFrame called the domain root instead of the url in the
> SRC attribute.
> My site uses many iFRAMES else where in the system and the client has no
> problem with them, only with this one.
> Any idea ?

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