I needed a way to check a database when someone enters a code into a form 
field, and I ran across an old posting from Ray Camden using SPRY assets to 
accomplish this. (I know that I should probably use AJAX or jQuery, but I have 
not learned these languages yet so I am stuck going off of what I can find on 
Anyway, when I enter a code into the field, I get an error Exception caught 
while loading checkcode.cfm?orgname=AA; Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of null.

Here is the code below:

        Spry.Data.Region.debug = true;

        function checkorgname() {
                var uvalue = document.getElementById("orgname").value;
                        if(uvalue.length < 2) { status(''); return; }
false, orgcheck);
        function orgcheck(request) {
                var result = request.xhRequest.responseText;
                if(result == 0) status('You have entered an invalid code. 
Please try again!');
                 else status('');
        function status(str) {
                var resultblock = document.getElementById("resultblock");
                        resultblock.innerHTML = str;    

form field in question:

 <input type="text" name="orgname" id="orgname" size="10" required 
class="upper" onKeyUp="checkorgname();"  />

The checkcode.cfm page works fine though. When I call it on it's own I get 
either a 0 or 1 depending if the orgname in the URL variable is in the database.



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