One thing that I do is run a scheduled task every 5 minutes which 
retrieves my home page via cfhttp and compares it to the previous 
version. IF there is any change, it sends me a text and email telling 
me of the change.
  I added a url paramater to the scheduled task that when present 
adds a box at the end off my page which displays my personal 
information (name, address, email) from the database.. so that also 
gets checked for changes.

I have a banner ad that changes on each page load.. so I added a way 
for my script to ignore changes in that banner ad.

A cool test was on midnight on new years eve,  I got a text from all 
of my websites - as the copyright date changed automaticaly.

This is an early warning system in case of a successful hack.  It 
also would tell me if the database server or web server or cf  wasn't working.
(the live server is monitored from my testing server).

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