IF, and it's a large IF, but IF you're willing to maintain your own 
machine than a slicehost with an open source CFML engine isn't all that 
much more expensive than a shared hosting plan.  For $20 USD a month you 
can have a linode running whatever flavor of headless linux that you 
want.  Throw on Webmin/Virtualmin to handle site creation and updates.  
Throw on Railo on Tomcat.  MySQL for DB, apache to serve web traffic.  
Use IPTables to lockdown all but SSH/HTTP/HTTPS/FTP/DNS.  Virtualmin can 
be set to automatically check for package updates and deploy them on a 
set schedule.  It can backup to an S3 bucket.  Railo can be set to 
update automatically as well.  Everything that is running is basically 
"free", it's just going to cost you in time if you're not familiar with it.

Now, the cost in time for setup?  That's going to be higher than just 
going with a shared host, but I personally found that my time is far 
offset against dealing with the latest issues that have come up with 

NOTE: this doesn't address PCI compliance as I've not had to go down 
that route.  In that instance shared may still yet be cheaper, but given 
the prices I've seen on shared hosts that are PCI compliant, I still 
think it'd be cheaper to roll your own.  But then, I'm able to do the 
admin and dev side of things.

Matthew Williams
Geodesic GraFX

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