
as the saying goes "you get what you pay for".
If you are looking for cheap hosting then there are thousands of hosts
to choose from at the bottom end for 9.99 or so
If you want management, better service and support then you should be
prepared to pay extra for that.
All the hosts I mentioned are on the TOP end of that scale.
It depends how much you value your website and your on-line presence as to
how much you spend. We often get customers quoting us that they lose
thousands in orders if their site is down, yet they are only prepared to
spend 9.99 a month on their hosting  ??? doesn't make a lot of sense does

It is also important to understand the difference between cloud and VPS and
which one your getting.
a Cheap 9.99 VPS is going to be very heavily contended (this is generally
called cloud hosting).
$76 for a VPS with CF is actually pretty good, go and look how much CF
enterprise actually costs to buy, and then factor that into the equation.

With the new CF10 licensing it is even harder for any hosts to scrape this
money back and can only have a limited number of servers per license, so
$35 per month for cf enterprise is very good.

On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 2:41 PM, Stephens, Larry V <> wrote:

> I've mentioned before how competent and pro-active are the folks at
> Viviotech.
> ****
> Let's talk about Viviotech a minute.
> I'm not sure where all of you work, but we have a small business.
> I'm on their site now. They've told me they don't offer CF on their shared
> hosting servers so I have to go with VPS. Leaving everything as standard
> except adding a Windows server ($7) and CF 9 ($35) that comes to
> $76.95/month or $923.40/year.
> Really? No one sees that as a hefty cost for a *small* business?
> A Railo or openBD server only has a setup cost but I'm assuming I'd have
> to make code adjustments for those - I don't know anything about them.

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