On 1 March 2013 08:37, Russ Michaels <r...@michaels.me.uk> wrote:

> The.simple answer is, only use an index loop where there is more than 1
> iteration. It will always run once even if the loop is 0, because it has to
> run once to find that out.

Nah, the condition is checked, but the code within the loop is not run even
once if the condition is not met:

<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="0">
    Within: #i#<br>
After #i#<br>

After 1

As per the OP's situation, if the TO value is dynamic, one doesn't always
know whether the loop will run zero, one or more times. So to say one
should only use a loop when there's more than one iteration is a bit
unreasonable. Anyway, the looping construct works fine no matter what
combination of FROM/TO values you give it, so as long as you know how the
thing works, it's safe to use it however one wants to.


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