Our webserver utilizing CF8 was hacked. We're not sure how (in what manner), at 
least at this point, but I am in the process of moving all CF stuff to a new 
server using CF10.

I am checking all #variables# used in queries to be sure cfqueryparam is used. 
We are moving everything from MS Access to SQL Server.

I am shedding all cfajaximport's and using jQuery ajax calls. While I don't 
*think* this is security related, I am also eliminating all cfform's (but, see 

Q1: By eliminating cfajaximport does the public need access to CFIDE or can I 
lock that down to my access, only? I recall having an issue with validation in 
cfform that had to do with not finding CFIDE (but I'm eliminating that issue).

Q2: As far as CF goes, anything we're missing?


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