>Password expirations would definitely be the way I would have gone with
>If I didn't have that option id probably just hash them all with a single
>update statement in SQL Server rather than involving CF at all.
>update userTable set passwordColumn =
>right(master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(hashBytes('MD5', cast(passwordColumn +
>'mySalt' as nvarchar(max)))),32)
>Then, to convert a submitted password to that in CF,
>lcase(hash(passwordString & 'mySalt', 'MD5', 'UTF-16LE'))
>On 3/7/13 3:00 PM, "Roger Austin" <raust...@nc.rr.com> wrote:

Thank you.

I think I am going to take the SQL route. A few questions on your script.

1. How/where did you set the salt value?
2. Can I do multiple iterations of the salt?
3. Why MD5 and not SHA512? 

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