
With regard to a CFML engine running on .NET, New Atlanta has a 
BlueDragon .NET edition 
<http://www.newatlanta.com/products/bluedragon/index.cfm> that does 
exactly that.
-Carl V.

On 3/12/2013 2:07 PM, Justin Scott wrote:
>> For those of u on this list that have experience with both, can I
>> please get your feedback on the Pros and Cons of going to the
>> .NET framework from ColdFusion?
> Hi Dave, that will depend on what you're doing with it.  I don't have
> anything against .NET and have done some coding with it.  The biggest
> headache about .NET is that it's a fully object-oriented language and
> everything is based around that.  It's a lot harder to throw something
> together quickly with .NET than it is with ColdFusion.  If you're
> building large well-designed applications that will be OO from the
> beginning regardless of the language, then it's mostly a matter of
> syntax.  .NET has a wealth of libraries behind it, but navigating that
> world is on-par with Java in complexity (strong typing, lots of long
> paths to method calls, etc.).  CF is more akin to PHP in that regard.
> Not to get too far off-topic, but I'd be happy to see a project like
> OpenBD or Railo that created a CFML engine on top of .NET rather than
> Java so that we could just switch the engine out and say "okay, we're
> doing .NET" now, wink wink."
> If you're doing simple web applications, .NET may just get in the way
> and add time and complexity that isn't needed.  If you're doing PDF
> generation, I haven't seen anything that beats the simplicity of
> CFDOCUMENT (though it has its limitations).
> So, as with anything in IT... it depends.  But as has already been
> mentioned, switching platforms just because someone read an article in
> a magazine about something another company did is pretty
> short-sighted.
> -Justin

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