what happens if you display the value INSIDE the cfc before you return it?
what happens if you set the same variable OUTSIDE the cfc and display it?

On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 9:23 PM, Rick Faircloth <r...@whitestonemedia.com>wrote:

> This has been driving me crazy for two days and I GIVE UP! AHH!
> If I create this variable in application.cfc:
> <cfset application.temp_images_directory = 'e:\inetpub\webroot\tempImages'
> />
> and use it in news.cfc like this:
> <cfset saveNewsItemStruct = structNew()>
> <cfset saveNewsItemStruct.ATID = '#application.temp_images_directory#' />
> why in the WORLD would I get this:
> e:\\inetpub\\webroot\\tempImages
> when I return the struct and display saveNewsItemsStruct.ATID?????
> Why are the path lines doubling?
> I don't think I've seen this in 15 years of CF programming!
> (I'm getting too old for all this aggravation...)
> Thanks for any help!
> Rick

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