
I'm not sure if anyone here has used dhtmlxGrid for an excel type display

Overall, it works pretty good and I have been able to get a nice display
with sorting etc and using my database and CF to create the data for the

My first example was just creating JSON on the fly to get it in a format
that's understood by the tool. That worked fine and it was easy with CF to
create what I needed.

However, I have the need to include an HTML clickable Link so that I can
edit a person's information. Of course they are uniquely identified by an
ID field but the problem comes in that I used JSON in the beginning to
create the data.

According to the docs, they give an XML example of how it parses the code.
I have not seen a JSON example and when I try to give it data that will
create the link it doesn't work.


So if I wanted a link I have something like:
<row id="2">
<cell>Blood and Smoke</cell>
 <cell>Stephen King^http://www.stephenking.com/the_author.html</cell>

I'm fine with switching my code over to XML instead of JSON but I wanted to
ask about creating it in a Javascript variable so that I can use CF to
create it.

What I have so far is this:

function SaveXML(UserData)
        var file = fso.CreateTextFile(FILENAME, true);
        file.WriteLine('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n');

        <cfoutput query="get10">
        file.Write('<row id="#currentrow#"> ');
            file.Write('<cell> #strFullName#</cell><cell>
#strPhaseName#</cell><cell> #strEmplCat#</cell><cell>
#strEmplCat#</cell><cell> #strHRName#</cell>');
            file.Write('</row> ');


    } // end SaveXML function --------------------

When I'm done I will parse the file variable and get it to display:

That should cause the grid to show up on the page.

Sorry for such a long question, but I wanted to be sure that XML would be
the solution. I'm also up for any other suggested JS library that may do
this simpler. I don't have to stick to dhtmlx.

I am also creating my variable and parsing through it and not calling a CF
file or reading a file the way some examples look.


Thanks for any help!

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