>Well this is a completely subjective view but my perception is that
>CF is considered quite a hot technology here in the UK.
>I don't know, but I believe the relative strength of CF versus ASP
>is stronger in the US than in Europe because a lot of people in the US
>started building web apps before ASP came out or was usable.

The timing is certainly one contribution, but there are a lot more 
"cowboys" and "entpreneurs" in the USA who don't insist on buying 
only "safe" products.

In Europe, the entire culture, across countries, is a bureaucratic, 
standardized,  politicized mentality, seeking at all costs (extremely 
high, eg, the EC machinery of fraud and waster) to avoid the tiniest 
risk or non-compliance, and if the product is not 100% "safe" (ie, 
it's not an MS product for an MS strategic platform), the product, eg 
CF, is seen as too risky.  Is this a conscious orientation? No of 
course not. It's like asking fish is they are conscious if water.


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