I wrap design code around my CF all day long, in ColdFusion Builder. I 
might "slice up" a PSD, but I just take the html produced (typically 
from Fireworks, though that workflow's about to change), clean it up in 
CFB, and I'm done.

Steve 'Cutter' Blades
Adobe Community Professional
Adobe Certified Expert
Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer

Co-Author "Learning Ext JS 3.2" Packt Publishing 2010

"The best way to predict the future is to help create it"

On 6/18/2013 2:04 PM, Russ Michaels wrote:
> most developers do have to do layout work as well, even if they have been
> provided with a ready made design, they usually have to then convert that
> design into HTML and then insert dynamic content etc.
> I don;t know many devs who are like you and only ever write server side
> code and never ever do any design or layout at all.
> On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 6:59 PM, Wil Genovese <jugg...@trunkful.com> wrote:
>> I've never been and never will be a designer and thus a Dreamweaver user.
>> I would never want to use Dreamweaver to write server side code. I say
>> leave Dreamweaver to designers.
>> Wil Genovese
>> Sr. Web Application Developer/
>> Systems Administrator
>> CF Webtools
>> www.cfwebtools.com
>> wilg...@trunkful.com
>> www.trunkful.com
>> On Jun 18, 2013, at 12:52 PM, Russ Michaels <r...@michaels.me.uk> wrote:
>>> sadly this is true, they have dropped CF support in DW, you have to buy
>>> CFBuilder now if you want a CF IDE.
>>> Very annoying as I liked DW
>>> On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 6:07 PM, Mike K <afpwebwo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Have I missed something here?   I upgraded my Dreamweaver CS6 to
>>>> Dreamweaver CC and  ColdFusion is no longer supported apparently.
>>>> There are no CFM file types,  no tag hinting or code completion etc for
>>>> ColdFusion, apparently.
>>>> Unless I've missed something somewhere and I have to change a setting or
>>>> install an extension or something.
>>>> Has anyone else found a fix for this?   Or have I got it wrong?
>>>> --
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Mike Kear
>>>> Windsor, NSW, Australia
>>>> Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
>>>> AFP Webworks
>>>> http://afpwebworks.com
>>>> ColdFusion 9 Enterprise, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

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