I have had to do so many hacks to get serializeJSON() to play nice. I add a
"~" to all yes/no strings so I don't get back true/false values, I have a
series of regular expressions that quote values in the resulting JSON that
don't get quoted and break on the client side. And now I have this issue:

<cfset x = {testval='.0006'}>
<cfdump var="#serializeJSON(x)#">

Which outputs:



 I am using CF 9,0,1,274733   
Update Level /C:/ColdFusion9/lib/updates/hf901-00004.jar   

Anybody know of a workaround for this? The source data is in a query which
gets serialized after being converted to an array of structs. It would be
too slow to check each field for values like this and modify them to return
to the client. I need another Idea. Anyone?


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