This may be a dumb question, but have you checked to make sure Mavericks didn’t 
wipe out your MAMP Apache startup?  With Mavericks, the native version of 
Apache starts automatically and the “Sharing” option to start OSX’s version of 
Apache has been removed.

On Oct 28, 2013, at 3:20 PM, Scott Brady <> wrote:

> Well, this is no longer using the built-in apache server, but one included
> with MAMP (which uses the same Apache version that CF 10 supports).
> Scott
> On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 1:57 PM, Jon Clausen
> <>wrote:
>> Scott,
>> Have you tried placing mod_jk.conf in the /private/etc/apache2 directory?
>> OSX runs Apache as root, not as the current user, so there may be a
>> permissions error that’s causing this to happen.   Mavericks does some new
>> things with Apache to make sure it auto-restarts on fail, though I’m not
>> aware that it would touch the httpd.conf file.  For me it was just dying
>> with a cryptic error in /var/log/apache2 .
>> Jon
>> On Oct 28, 2013, at 2:41 PM, Scott Brady <> wrote:
>>> I mentioned this in my latest reply/rant about Mavricks, but thought it
>>> should be its own thread.
>>> I'm trying to take Ray's advice and use MAMP to run CF on Mavericks, but
>> I
>>> can't get it to process CF files.
>>> Every time I start up the server in MAMP Pro, it comments out:
>>> Include "/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/appsolute/MAMP
>>> PRO/mod_jk.conf"
>>> in the httpd.conf file
>>> which I believe is what tells it how to process CF files.
>>> Any suggestions?
>>> Scott
>>> --
>>> -----------------------------------------
>>> Scott Brady

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