<cfchart format="jpg" databackgroundcolor="white" fontsize="14"
        scalefrom="-10000" scaleto="#hival#" font="Arial" 
        title="Law Firm Spend Report"   showxgridlines="yes"
        chartwidth="#xsize#" show3d="no">

        <cfchartseries type="curve" query="GetS" itemcolumn="LawFirm"
                valuecolumn="SumOfFees" seriescolor="##333333"></cfchartseries>

Makes a nice curve chart.

<cfchart format="png"  pieslicestyle="solid" show3d="yes">
        <cfchartseries type="pie" serieslabel="Spend by Law Firm" 
        itemcolumn="LawFirm" valuecolumn="SumOfFees" ></cfcharseries>

Makes a nice blank spot.

I can find plenty of examples to make a pie chart using static data. I have not 
found one anywhere that makes one using query data.

The data is in a protected area or I would make this available on a page.

Would the size of the query return affect this? It returns 19 records. What am 
I missing?

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