I've been having some issues with a new server running CF 10 on Windows
Server 2008 R2. At first we couldn't get the web service to register at
all. After upgrading to, that now works along with most
method calls.

However, one method, getSearchResults, will not work. It runs fine on my
local workstation which is running CF 9 and even on an older server running
CF 8.

The error received:
org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException: element
text content may not contain START_ELEMENT at

I did some googling and am not finding much help there.

The wsdl is done in .Net I believe and is here:

Has anyone run across this in CF 10? I've tried this with both createObject
and cfinvoke but get the same results. Any ideas on what else to try?



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