btw if the url rewrite problem is an issue for you, then you could perhaps
use Helicon APE instead.

On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 8:31 PM, Justin Scott <>wrote:

> > I am looking at changing VPS providers to maintain and upgrade
> > CF I have an option of Windows 2008 or 2012 server.
> Server 2012 is a solid platform though it takes some getting used to
> the GUI interface updates.  It's grown on me since I started dealing
> with it.  Server 2008 still feels new, but it is now pushing six years
> old so I wouldn't deploy anything new on it unless I had to.
> If you're using CF10 with Server 2012 there is a known issue (CF Bug
> 3488063; see
> which impacts custom 404 handlers and anything that relies on the URL
> Rewrite module, so if your site relies on those features then do some
> serious testing before deploying live.  We are actively working with
> Adobe engineering (who is working with the Microsoft IIS team) to
> resolve that one as it's holding us up from upgrading a bunch of CF 8
> servers to CF 10 Enterprise, but aside from that everything else
> should be smooth sailing.
> -Justin Scott

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