Amongst the many things I do I also collect classic computers. Getty Images
recently announced that they were allowing people to embed images from their
collection into web pages etc. which in turn links back to an option to buy
the image - I have no problem with that as it gives me an opportunity to
embed some great classic computer images in a hobby site I'm building (in CF
of course). You click on a little icon on the image at Getty Images and it
gives you a bit of iframe code like the example below.


a9zo-buxXQxavnQaAM3LqOQME9VyhjHlwWZl_KOZP4=" width="400" height="585"
frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>


My question is whether it is possible (or even if there is any need) to
check that this code snippet actually returns something when its loaded so
that you can handle it on the page e.g. Getty Images down, image removed
from their collection etc.


Thank you!!!!




Kevin Parker




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