i am a bit confused, this is the first time I do this kind of request so bear 
with me.

I am trying to do the following:

i created a cf app on the source server (w2k3) 

<cfquery name="Param" datasource="lib_datasql" >
        SELECT proxloc from MainServer

<cfif FileExists("#fname#") >

        (the above will check for the file and find it)
        then i need to copy the file to the cf server and work with it, that's 
were you lost me.
        not found

> >ok, so then how would I do the copy from w2k3 to cf9 server
> You would use CFHTTP to grab the content from the other server, and 
> then save it as a file on your CF9 server.
> Personally I would do a separate CF app, scheduled in the CF 
> administrator, that would periodically look for the file on the other 
> server, and if it is there, grab it and download it.
> Then when your aggregation app runs, it just has to worry about 
> content on your server.
> YMMV of course - I'm looking at it from the perspective of an 
> application I worked on where the other server wasn't that reliable, 
> and separating the "grab files from the other server" and "process 
> files" helped troubleshooting tremendously.

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