Oh, that's funny!  I'll have to start using Donald as a question. Great idea!


> On Apr 17, 2014, at 12:11 PM, Les Mizzell <lesm...@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>> Some of the forms we use CF to email out are getting hit
>> with spam garbage. I'm seeing patterns in them I can use
>> to catch it now, but wondered if there is a more general
>> approach available I'm not aware of? Thanks much!
> I've had very good luck with a simple math (or other) question, plus a 
> "timer" that that checks how long it takes to fill out the form. The 
> combo of the two work pretty good.
> The timer sets a hidden field to the current time, and on submit, checks 
> against the current time again. There's no freaking way to fill out this 
> particular form in less than 10 seconds - so if less time than that has 
> passed, it's a bot. This alone catches 95%.
> Question works good too. I've got one client that uses: "Donald Duck is 
> a "Cow", "Dog", "Duck", or "Cat"?? Over the last 4 years, not a single 
> bot has EVER answered the question correctly.
> Of course, all your data HAS to be validated/verified before getting 
> inserted into your database. You're doing that too, correct?

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