This. Precisely.

On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 12:28 PM, Carl Von Stetten

> Rewrite the whole thing right now? No.  I would progressively replace CF
> UI tags with clean JS frameworks or custom JS as you touch each section
> of your application.  You'll find fewer and fewer people are using the
> CF UI tags and therefore less and less assistance available.  And most
> of the CF UI tag problems people seek assistance with are directly
> related to shortcomings/bugs in said tags that will probably never be
> fixed by Adobe.  Considering that the CF UI stuff is built on top of JS
> libraries that are several versions (and several years) old, you are far
> better off investing in implementing current versions of JS libraries
> yourself and reaping the benefits of the cumulative feature
> improvements/bug fixes of those libraries.
> Just my $0.01 (inflation sucks, don't it)
> -Carl V.
> On 5/7/2014 8:35 AM, John Pullam wrote:
> > So you suggest going back and rewriting a 50,000 line application in
> order to resolve the problem? Not a very practical solution, I'm afraid.
> >
> > Does anyone have a more realistic suggestion?
> >
> >

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