I did an experiment, calling ENCRYPT_COLUMN without doing the INSERT.  I ran it 
300 times and it didn't fail once.

<cfloop index = "x" from = "1" to = "300">
    <cfquery  name="qInsertF9099AlienInfo" 
      select Encrypt_Column(RPAD(UPPER(NVL(<cfqueryparam 
cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#a_alien_last_name#">,' ')),56,' 
      as my_test
      from dual
    <cfoutput>#x#:</cfoutput> <cfdump var = "#qInsertF9099AlienInfo.my_test#">
    <!--- <cfoutput><p>loop = 
#x#:#qInsertF9099AlienInfo.my_test#</p></cfoutput> --->

However, I couldn't output the data directly since it's binary (CF said NO!), 
so I did a dump and that was fine.

Since ENCRYPT_COLUMN didn't fail once, I'm led to believe that the problem is 
that the actual INSERT has problems with the data returned or it has problems 
transmitting the returned data properly. 

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